Nice to meet you!
I'm your coach Bahar
I am here to offer guidance and encouragement.
Having taken the big jump, I deeply feel how vulnerable, scary, and unsettling it can be to answer the call and go to the wild of the unknown.
Having experienced huge changes in my life, I have a wealth of experience and a deep understanding of what it takes to succeed.
I can help you to connect with your authentic self and follow your unique soul path.

3 things
I can't live without


Me time
Deep talks

Why do I do what I do?

This is my story of seeking my life purpose and finally being able to find a way to express myself authentically.
To follow my calling, step into my power, and finally build my own business around what I love to do.

I was crying, so depressed, feeling sick and tired
thinking I can't do this anymore. . .
to live a double life...
It was that evening, after my friend's wedding party, in 2016. I was still working in my corporate job - very outwardly successful in work and life, feeling very lost and lonely.

Now go grab a cup of hot drink and sit back as I'm telling my 2-part story!

Dropping the masks - Living a more authentic and aligned life
My Story, Part 1: 2016 - July 2019
I had achieved all I could think of in my life. I’d come to the UK to study and had finished my master’s degree in computer software engineering. I had a high-profile and well-paid job; was married to the love of my life; owned a property and car.

However, the more I achieved and the more I ticked the boxes defined by my ancestral lineage and society's measure of success, the more I was craving something much more meaningful in my life, something that was hugely missing.

I was not fulfilled. I was living a double life: a person with a mask at work, with a big smile on my face, presenting an enthusiastic, warm, and happy woman;

and a lost woman when I was alone, feeling unhappy, unfulfilled, depressed, and crying for something bigger, deeper, more impactful, more soul-satisfying, longing to belong, and feeling very, very lonely.

I was missing something more profound in my life, external success wasn’t fulfilling anymore, and my relationships felt shallow - I felt I didn’t belong - I felt separated and lonely

There was only ONE problem!

I had no idea what that thing I was craving, was. That’s the irony of it ...I was searching for something that I couldn’t identify, couldn’t name.

In the midst of that depressing evening, returning from my friend's wedding party; so sick and tired of wearing my jolly, warm fulfilled personality mask, I decided to do one thing - just one thing - for myself: to take a day off work and just paint.

Why painting? Because part of me remembered when I was a teenager, every time I painted, I became so totally immersed in it, that I didn’t hear anything! I was in a state of flow, fully present in each moment.

I started to paint, once a week on Fridays, for two years. Within the same period of time, within a series of synchronicities, I was introduced to mindfulness meditation and yoga. I started daily meditation and yoga practice and I read as many self-developmental and spiritual books as I could.
Creating a new me
Art, a doorway to spirituality
In two years, my world started to slowly change. I began to feel more mindful and more connected. I had something besides small talk to speak about at parties. I spoke about painting and felt more mindful and conscious in my communications.
Through my local yoga studio, I connected with a like-minded community and was introduced to more profound and in-depth healing modalities.

All this felt amazing, but somehow I still felt I was living in two split worlds. In one world I was flowing with painting, learning about spirituality, synchronicities, soul connections, soul contracts, chakras, and energetic bodies. In my other world (family and work) I couldn’t speak about these topics at all with anyone. It felt like I was being pushed into a corner on my own: isolated once again.

My Story, Part 2: July 2019 - Present
I reclaimed my power

I couldn’t bear living in this duality any longer so I finally, plucked up the courage to jump! I quit my corporate job and took the leap of faith!

Oh boy! That was the scariest, the most nerve-wracking, argument-provoking, exciting, exhilarating, the best move of my life thus far. It opened so many new doors and possibilities for me, possibilities that could only have been visible to me after I jumped. Within two weeks, again through an amazing synchronicity, I connected with a transformational coach; a few months after I attended her healing woman's retreat in Peru.

A moment of deep self-realisation
My Aha moment!
A moment of deep self-realization: I made sense! I connected with the consciousness of I AM, the energy of being one with all that I am and All That Is. I was laughing and crying at the same time. “I”, exactly as I am, makes sense no matter how different I was or what others expected of me or thought of me!

This felt incredible, sensational, deep, and meaningful. This “I” that I was sensing was one and united with all around me. One with the sky, one with the mountains, one with the villagers passing by. It was the first time I had that deep, cellular self-realization.
It was during a sacred spiritual ceremony in Peru when I was hiking in the mountains that I had my aha! moment
Walking the Soul Path

When Worlds Collide & THE path shows up

A few weeks after my return from my Peruvian pilgrimage, to the busyness of London, I felt so disconnected and isolated once again. My partner didn’t understand me. My family and friends thought I was weird woo woo!, and so distant. The only person who kept supporting me in integrating my transformation was my transformational coach. Because she had experienced a similar journey, she was able to deeply see and understand what I was going through.

She held me in so much love, in understanding, and helped me to transition from this profound experience of kundalini awakening, and to anchor it to a more practical way of being.

This inspired me so much that I chose the same path of service: to hold people in a cocoon of love and understanding: to guide them through their transformation and spiritual awakening, because I know how uncomfortable, heart-breaking, and some days deep and dark this feeling of separation and isolation can feel when you are opening to the realm of spirit which at the beginning seems so far away from having a normal life.

If you are looking for a coach who can support and empower you to walk your unique soul path journey, I highly recommend working with Bahar. I would say one coaching session with Bahar solves a problem which might take 10 therapy sessions."

Azadeh B.
Bahar helped me to think and align myself with my personal truths. She motivated me to act. Bahr is kind, gentle and non-judgmental. Thank you!

Tova M.

Bringing balance & harmony in life
Path of service
As a Harmoniser I work to balance the energies through the development of my harmonic healing codes. My path of service is the path of the healers and balancers of conscious energy. I work with sound codes and energetic healing.

I trained and got certified in transformational and somatic coaching. I also started studying some other in-depth healing + energy work modalities like Reiki, and kundalini yoga. I’ve joined a Mystery School for light-workers since March 2020. In this school, I’ve learned about how to come into self-mastery in my life and merge my spiritual life with my physical life. Also, I learned about my true path and mission on Earth which is the path of Harmonisers.

I know how to hold a loving space for your E X P A N S I O N
Offering a loving space
I know now that spirituality is not just out there. It’s nothing about being high or having an extraordinary experience. Whether this experience be breathwork, plant medicine, energising yoga, healing retreat, or kundalini highs doesn’t matter. What really matters is how to anchor your higher cosmic light and mission and fully bring it down on the earth in your practical and ordinary life. Yes! in your day-to-day mundane life.

I am offering this space of harmony and this quality of being held in unconditional love for people who have gone or going through awakening to their soul path.
To support them to be able to realign spirituality and a more conscious way of living in their day-to-day life and work.
It’s about learning to stay connected to the spirit but live a completely normal life. Using life as THE teacher to guide you through.
I experienced so many deep insights, physical cleansing, and a deeply peaceful presence under Bahar’s expert guidance, I feel the importance of this work for the next steps in my all-round growth. Thank you Bahar!