Shadow-work POWER hour

Accept the parts of you that go into reaction, that get triggered, that are unhappy, sad, angry, revengeful, jealous, judgemental, etc.
Ignoring them, hiding them, or hating them will not make them go away
Accept they exist and they exist for a reason
You created them for a reason
Shadow-work is for you if
Feeling trapped in what you do and really not enjoying the mundane repetitive meaningless day-to-day tasks?
Thinking where's the joy in my life?
Asking yourself where am I? Who am I? Where's the way out of this game?
Feeling not connected because something deep within you longs to come out and belong to a bigger sense of purpose?
What's the benefits of Shadow-work?
​Work with me for 90 mins and I’ll show you how to find the light that is already within you and come out of these struggling days of feeling trapped.
​You will:
Get clarity of the story that a part of you(possibly a shadow part) is living
Learn a powerful & practical way how to accept & love the parts of you that you don't like
Get rid of identifying with a part of you that is running the show and shouting in your mind constantly and feel liberated that it's not all of you
What happens in a shadow-work session?
Together we will co-create a safe and loving space for you to go deeper to support the shadow self to resolve its illusion and accept the divine light
We’ll spend some time talking about your current life situation and what's triggering you the most
We’ll identify a shadow to work on which is most alive right now
We’ll choose what tool is appropriate and you are willing to try to go deeper into a receptive mode for communicating with this shadow (meditation, EFT, heart temple, embodiment, etc,...)
1 hr 30 min
99 British pounds