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Shadow-work POWER hour

  • Accept the parts of you that go into reaction, that get triggered, that are unhappy, sad, angry, revengeful, jealous, judgemental, etc.

  • Ignoring them, hiding them, or hating them will not make them go away

  • Accept they exist and they exist for a reason

  • You created them for a reason

My anxiety has improved enormously through working with Bahar. I feel a lot more grounded now. The shadow work that we did together helped me massively.

Sarah Anderson

Yoga teacher - Studio Manager

Shadow-work is for you if

  • Feeling trapped in what you do and really not enjoying the mundane repetitive meaningless day-to-day tasks?

  • Thinking where's the joy in my life?

  • Asking yourself where am I? Who am I? Where's the way out of this game?

  • Feeling not connected because something deep within you longs to come out and belong to a bigger sense of purpose? 

“I've transformed! I know who I am and what I am here for and the anchoring of this truth gives me strength, clarity, and peace each day.”​

Cherie Newman

HR manager & Wellbeing coach

What's the benefits of Shadow-work?

​Work with me for 90 mins and I’ll show you how to find the light that is already within you and come out of these struggling days of feeling trapped.

​You will:

  • Get clarity of the story that a part of you(possibly a shadow part) is living

  • Learn a powerful & practical way how to accept & love the parts of you that you don't like

  • Get rid of identifying with a part of you that is running the show and shouting in your mind constantly and feel liberated that it's not all of you


“Such powerful & revealing experience! Each session was a new experience and uncovered something important about myself that I had unconsciously closed my eyes onto.

Leila F, United Kingdom
IT Technical Manager

What happens in a shadow-work session?

  • Together we will co-create a safe and loving space for you to go deeper to support the shadow self to resolve  its illusion and accept the divine light

  •  We’ll spend some time talking about your current life situation and what's triggering you the most

  •  We’ll identify a shadow to work on which is most alive right now

  •  We’ll choose what tool is appropriate and you are willing to try to go deeper into a receptive mode for communicating with this shadow (meditation, EFT, heart temple, embodiment, etc,...)

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